Assalamualaikum cyunk... <3
adex.... msti tertnye-tnye an ape la yg akk tlis dlm nie...
don't worry cyunk... bnde yg baek jew... xde ktuk2 adex pown...
haha.. :D
firstly... akk nk mnx maaf coz dh bnyk kli wt adex cdey ngan akk...
i'm so sorry... :( hope dpt maafkn akk... k..
adex..thnx coz hdir dlm hdup akk n wt akk hepy slme nie...
hidup akk xmngkin sehepy skunk law adex xde...
thnx ya!!!! love adex so much!!!!
adex..akk syunk adex taw.. syunk cgt100000000x....
erm..PMR dh xlme an... DO YOUR BEST K ADEX...
make me proud of u... ingt jnjy adex ngan akk dlu k...
your result..must be higher than me k...
adex....rindu la at adex.... rindu nk tgok adex senyum...comey cgat...
erm..adex..akk nk adex taw..akk syunk adex n faizal sme jew..due2 akk syunk...
beza juz adex sbg adk... faizal sbgi bf..k.. i've told u before right??
so..xpyh pk dh k yg mne akk pling syunk..
ape yg penting...akk syunk adex akk yg comey nie... syunk cgt3..
adex..jgn pernah bt akk cdey taw..jgn pernah brubah...
you are my everything adex...
MUSYI 4 EVA K!!!!!
love ya!!!!!!!!