Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Background....

cantek x blog akk nie??? must be honest k!!! cantek x??
baru tukar tdy....bosan ar tgok item jew.... and now..i changed it to WHITE...
cantek x?? cantek an..erm..msty cantek pnye...hahaha..(perasan) =p
act..xtaw nk post apew..tp sbb adex terchenta nie nk bce cgt...post jew la...
(walupun post yunk x berfaedah cum nie) hehehehe....
erm...ary nie hepy cgt...nk taw sbb pew??
smlm dpt dgr suare my sweetheart...=D.... rindunye at dye!!!!!!
hmmm...xtaw ar cum ne cuti nie...bru 3 ary dh rindu cum nie...
agk2 nk tngu bkk skola thn dpn...
dh bley jd sewel kot???hahaha...no..never...xkn cum t0o...
saye still ley berfikir secara rasional ag...
rndu cum ne pown...tetap xley lbey dari rindu at ALLAH an?
btowl x?? klu tnye adex...msty dye kte btowl cgt9...kn dex???
hahaha...akk taw...adex msty jelez an akk rindu at faizal lbey??? kn3??
hahaha...gurau jew... =p
k la..xtaw nk tulis pew daa....mybe nxt time...
bye...see u...ASSALAMUALAIKUM....
(xjwb dose) hahaha =p